Monday, February 2, 2009

Poor, poor Freddie!

I forgot to say, Erika did have a fish named Laffy Taffy but she called it Freddie and when they were on vacation they had somebody stop by and feed it every once in a while..but when the person stopped by one day it was dead :o( It had "froze" to death..because since nobody was living in the house the heater wasn't on so it got so cold it died! Erika was sad for a little bit but then she got over it because I just reminded her that she had me! By for now!
Love always,


Mari said...

Poor Freddy! I remember I had a fish once and it lived for one year. It died and then sank to the bottom with its mouth open. It was creepy! Love the virtual pet! I have one on Mr. incredible's other blog. haha, keep on writing erika!